Toyobo Life Science Department is a leading manufacturer of enzymes and reagenets for life science research as well as industrial use. Over the years, we developped our own technologies to produce PCR enzymes, antibodies, modifying enzymes, magnetic beads and immunoassays.
Established in 1882, TOYOBO has been a leading and prominent manufacturer of overall textiles in Japan. In response to the changing market environment we are expanding our product lines getting into more diversified non textile markets such as films, plastics, electronics-based, biochemical-related, and medical-related businesses. One of those reputable product lineup is TOYOBO ENZYMES, which come out of the remarkable technologies in fermentation and purification accumulated over the last several decades.
Back in the 1950s TOYOBO began working on microorganisms when seeking ways of treating waste water from one of our plants processing pulp for rayon. Scientists in our laboratories discovered that a certain type of yeast's consuming sugar in the waste water and substantially reducing the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) level. We then filtered out the yeast to market it for animal food. As the proportion of nucleic acids in the yeast was extremely high, we separated them out and made research for use in food seasonings. In the 1960s, based on a success in commercializing uricase from Candida sp., the first of its kind, we have got focused on clinical chemistry field. Now TOYOBO excels in the market with more than 60 kinds of material enzymes for diagnostic reagents, with the finest level of quality, which gives us reputation both in the domestic and the overseas market.
In 1997, the Quality Management System of Tsuruga Biochemical's plant and Tsuruga Institute of Biotechnology has been approved in the US, UK, Germany, Holland, Australia and Japan as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited(LRQA): applicable to the development and manufacture of enzymes.We are also proceeding with R&D and manufacturing activities in application of environment management system of TOYOBO Tsuruga plant which was certified in 1999 by JAB and JICQA as meeting requirements of ISO 14001.

TOYOBO warrants that the products contained herein meet their respective specifications. TOYOBO's liability under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of such non-conforming products. Unless otherwise indicated, all claims made under this warranty must be given to TOYOBO within 30 days from the date of delivery of the products to the customer.
The above warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, express or implied, and specifically TOYOBO disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall TOYOBO be liable to anyone for indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the manufacture, use, distribution, sale or disposal of the products, even if TOYOBO has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses. TOYOBO's liability arising out of the manufacture, use, distribution, sale or disposal of the products shall not exceed the actual purchase price paid for the products, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise.
Biochemical Department JAPAN(OSAKA)
Osaka Umeda Twin Towers South,
1-13-1 Umeda, Kita-ku,
Osaka 530-0001, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6348-3786
FAX: +81-6-6348-3833
10-24 Toyo-cho Tsuruga-si Fukui-ken 914-0047 Japan
TEL: +81-770-22-7641
FAX: +81-770-22-7670
Sumitomo Corporation Kyobashi Building,
17-10, Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8345, Japan
TEL: +81-3-6887-8800
FAX: +81-3-6887-8829
10-24 Toyo-cho Tsuruga-si Fukui-ken 914-0047 Japan
TEL: +81-770-22-7643
FAX: +81-770-22-7671